This is a continuation of Interstellar (Part One): Utopian Dystopia. Part Two is far longer and contains bigger spoilers. If you haven’t seen Interstellar and you hate spoilers, stop
reading now!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Interstellar (Part One): Utopian Dystopia
If you haven’t seen Interstellar, and you’re the kind of person who hates even mild spoilers, stop reading now!
Monday, January 19, 2015
A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart (Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!)
“We must combine the toughness of the serpent and the
softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. , Strength to Love (1963)
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day here in the United
States. There will be celebrations,
parades, and volunteer outings.
Government offices and schools are closed. Media, social and otherwise, will overflow
with quotations from the “I Have a Dream” speech and “A Letter from a
Birmingham Jail.” Politicians and
religious leaders will give speeches. A film about King’s involvement in the struggle for voting rights in Alabama has been nominated for an Oscar . What is this holiday really about?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Review of reviews
I love reading science fiction and philosophy, but I do occasionally read other stuff. None of the following reviews from Goodreads are reviews of science fiction or philosophy (at least in any traditional sense), but somehow I felt that they might be appropriate for the blog.
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond
My review. This is an interesting mix of history, archaeology, biology, and other fields. I thought of this one in light of my earlier post, "Is the study of ancient philosophy like science fiction?"
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
My review. This cult classic probably isn't science fiction. It might be horror, postmodern play, a weird dream, a hilarious prank, or... who knows? I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I loved it.
The Shining by Stephen King
My review. In the future I'll write about my mixed feelings concerning King's attempts at science fiction in books like The Tommyknockers and Under the Dome, but his old school horror is always entertaining, especially The Shining.
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond
My review. This is an interesting mix of history, archaeology, biology, and other fields. I thought of this one in light of my earlier post, "Is the study of ancient philosophy like science fiction?"
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
My review. This cult classic probably isn't science fiction. It might be horror, postmodern play, a weird dream, a hilarious prank, or... who knows? I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I loved it.
The Shining by Stephen King
My review. In the future I'll write about my mixed feelings concerning King's attempts at science fiction in books like The Tommyknockers and Under the Dome, but his old school horror is always entertaining, especially The Shining.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Is religion bad for humanity? (Part 2)
See Part 1,
where I argued that we don’t know how to answer the question, is religion bad
for humanity? Part 2 consists of some of my more personal reflections.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Is religion bad for humanity? (Part 1)
With the recent terrorism in Paris,
a lot of people have been wondering whether these apparently
religiously-motivated attacks tell us anything about religion in general or
Islam in particular.
Let me get out of the way that I think killing people over
cartoons is bad and censorship is also bad, even if the cartoons in question
are often racist and rarely even all that funny. I also think that demonizing a group of 1.6
billion people due to the actions of these individuals is bad (it’s also a
fallacious hasty generalization). This
case also raises issues of race, identity, and imperialism (see this nice piece by Teju Cole on many of these issues). But I want to get to another issue: Is
religion bad for humanity?
Friday, January 9, 2015
Mokṣa and Money: Two Hyper-Values
In my Philosophies of India course, I’m covering two
provocative articles from Daya Krishna that have stuck with me since I first
read them many years ago: “Three Myths about Indian Philosophy” and “Three
Conceptions of Indian Philosophy.”
In the latter article Krishna argues that, despite the fact
that many classical Indian texts begin with the pronouncement that reading the
text will help one achieve liberation (mokṣa)
from the cycle of suffering (saṃsāra),
many philosophers are not terribly interested in liberation, but simply want to
get on with their philosophical business after paying lip service to this goal. In classical India, liberation was an
overriding hyper-value that sits above all other recognized values such as
wealth (artha) and pleasure (kāma), so philosophers had to tell some
story of how their philosophical activity was related to this value even if
such a relation was tenuous or nearly non-existent (note: “hyper-value” is my
name for it, not Krishna’s). I have a
lot of sympathy for Krishna’s view, but my purpose here isn’t to evaluate his claim. I have another question.
Do we have a similar hyper-value today? (By “we,” I mean those of us in the United
States, but I suspect a similar, though perhaps less depressing, story could be
told of many other contemporary cultures.)
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Review of Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress
I've long observed that people of an elitist bent tend
to think they're better than other people for pretty bad reasons. This type of
elitism is particularly common among Ayn Rand fans, but you can find it across
the political spectrum.
People can be elitist because they're richer, more educated, better looking, etc. or just because they happen to have certain philosophical, religious, or political beliefs. For the most part, this is bullshit. Nobody is a qualitatively better human being than others in all respects simply due to having one talent or belief or being rich or beautiful or whatever. You might be more educated than others or you might like Ayn Rand, but others might be better at woodworking or knitting than you are, or actually care about other people. Why should one of your features make you better than everybody else in all things?
People can be elitist because they're richer, more educated, better looking, etc. or just because they happen to have certain philosophical, religious, or political beliefs. For the most part, this is bullshit. Nobody is a qualitatively better human being than others in all respects simply due to having one talent or belief or being rich or beautiful or whatever. You might be more educated than others or you might like Ayn Rand, but others might be better at woodworking or knitting than you are, or actually care about other people. Why should one of your features make you better than everybody else in all things?