
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Science Fiction and Philosophy Society Inaugural Meeting: April 5, 2023

I'm thrilled to announce that the Science Fiction and Philosophy Society will have its inaugural meeting at the Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in San Francisco, California, USA (Earth) on Wed. April 5, 2023 at 8pm. Details about the APA Meeting can be found here. Maybe I will see you there!

We will have three fabulous speakers listed below (from the conference program).

Science Fiction and Philosophy Society

Topic: Panel Discussion: Science Fiction and Philosophy?
Ethan Mills (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
Manju Menon (Independent Scholar) 
Julian Rome (University of Michigan)
Eric Schwitzgebel (University of California, Riverside)

In addition to talks by our panelists, one of the agenda items of this panel is to brain-storm (or mind-storm so as not to be a substrate chauvinist) ideas for future events: panels as philosophy or SF cons, workshops, online events, and more!

Also, by the way, I co-founded a Science Fiction and Philosophy Society last year, and I am the current President! I recently made a website, which you can check out here. At that site, you can learn more about the society and fill out a form if you'd like to make contact, get on an email list, etc. Eventually the society will have more events and there may be other cool stuff on that site, so check it out!

So, dear sentient being interested in philosophy and science fiction, maybe I will see you at a society event!

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