
Sunday, January 9, 2022

"My Favorite Posts" Page Updated


Sometime in 2015 or 2016 I started a "My Favorite Posts" page here on the blog. And every few months ever since I've thought, "I should update that one of these days." And then I never did. Until the last few weeks, anyway.

So check out my newly updated "My Favorite Posts" page!

I can't say these are all of my favorites. I've been doing this since 2014 and have over 500 posts, so maybe I forgot a few. And whether they are the best posts, well, I can't say. But I think this page gives a sense of the range of things I've written about here, which, contrary to the blog's subtitle, probably goes beyond what most people would think of as "philosophy and science fiction."

Blogs are less popular than they were in general when I started this. I should probably start a podcast or YouTube channel or limit myself to Twitter threads if I really want to get myself out there. I've never been able to figure out whether the blog stats are accurate, but I seem to get a lot fewer hits than I used to, say circa 2017. I don't really care about "branding" or finding an audience, so I don't shy away from just posting whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. I don't make any money off of this, and have no interest in doing so.

So, why do I do it? Honestly I've thought about ending the blog, especially in the last couple years when, like all of us, I've been overwhelmed by personal, professional, and global happenings. 

But I like to have a place to collect my thoughts. I can't figure out what I think until I sit down and think about it for a while, and writing is the best way to do that for me. I don't think at the speed of Twitter. So I guess I primarily do this blog for myself. 

And if I make a few connections out in the world in the process, so much the better! I value the connections I've made through this blog, and the conversations it has facilitated. Thanks for being here, dear reader.

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