Are we in the midst of the last gasps of reactionary
bigotry? I believe the answer is a qualified “yes.” I don’t know to what extent my
belief is based on evidence and to what extent on hope, yet my belief
persists. Allow me to explain.
Reactionary Bigotry?
First of all, what do I mean by “reactionary bigotry”? It is a reaction to the increasing visibility
and influence of people who have until recently had little visibility or
influence in popular culture, politics, business, education, and other areas of
society. That’s the reactionary
part. The bigotry part is the idea that
people unlike oneself in some way (race, gender, sexuality, entertainment
preferences, or whatever) are somehow of a less important kind of human, that
“we” are better than “them.” Another way
of putting it: Bigots believe there are types of people from whom they have
nothing to learn.
Here are a just a few recent representative examples of things fueled
in large part by reactionary bigotry: Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign,
xenophobic Brexit supporters, some Tea Partiers’ thinly veiled racism toward
President Obama, Men’s Rights Activists, the Sad and Rabid Puppies,
Gamergate, etc. Such movements
sometimes have violent effects from fights at Trump rallies to mass
shootings in Charleston and Orlando.
Let me quickly answer the predictable objection that I am a bigot toward bigots or intolerant of intolerance or whatever. Many fundamentally decent people have espoused bigoted ideas. They’re not a lower level of human being than I am, they are merely mistaken, and perhaps we can learn from each other.
On Being a White Guy
One way to understand this phenomenon is to understand white
guys, especially straight, cisgender white guys. I happen to be one of those, so maybe I can
provide some insight. From here on, I
will use “white guys” as short hand for “straight cisgender white men.” Of course, I don’t mean that white guys are
single-handedly responsible for all reactionary bigotry, but we are responsible
for an awful lot of it. Analyses of
other sources of reactionary bigotry would be worthwhile, but I won’t provide
them here.
The main thing about being a white guy is that you are told
your entire life that you are a singular authority on just about
everything. You’re not often told explicitly. It’s that most of the other
contemporary and historical authorities you encounter are also white guys. White guys are probably also most of your
favorite authors, directors, actors, business leaders, political heroes, and
college professors (especially if you study something like physics or
philosophy). And it gets even better
because almost everyone else, whether they are white guys or not, assumes that you are an authority. As a
college teacher I walk into my classroom on day one with authority
automatically granted by the students, a luxury my colleagues who are women and people of color do not have. That most
of this is unconscious makes its effects no less real.
“But wait a minute,” many of my fellow white guys will say,
“if it’s unconscious how can you really be sure that it’s real? Couldn’t it all be in the minds of your
colleagues?” And here is where white
guys’ authority is most effectively exercised: the authority to discount the
experiences of people who are not white guys, to decide whose experiences are
real and whose are not. Of course, it’s
possible – in roughly the same sense it’s possible we’re all in the Matrix –
that it’s all a giant hoax perpetrated to make white guys feel bad. But then it would be all about us. The whole point of listening to other people’s
experiences is that it’s not about us.
Why should we get to say what other people’s experiences are? Why do we think it’s our right to discount
these experiences as the products of people who are too sensitive, too angry,
or too irrational to grasp white guys’ objective experience of noumenal reality
just as it is? Why does our experience
trump everyone else’s?
The Sources of Reactionary Bigotry
These are difficult questions for people who are assumed to be
authorities on all things. It’s hard for me, too. I don’t say this to make people feel sorry for
me. We white guys still have it pretty
easy. If the hardest thing we have to do
is to learn how to listen to our fellow human beings from within our little
bubbles of authority (as opposed to daily struggles with institutional racism,
sexism, homophobia, etc.), our lives are, as John Scalzi points out, like
video games on the easy setting.
For white guys prone to reactionary bigotry, the
problem is this: we are now being asked to give up some of our authority. We are seeing the disintegration of our
assumed right to say for everyone what’s true and good. The panic this disintegration induces is some of what
accounts for everything from Donald Trump and xenophobic Brexit supporters who
rail against the immigrant hordes to Sad Puppies and Gamergaters (i.e. EWDADs - Entitled White Dudes Against Diversity) who complain that
SJWs are making everything political at the expense of good clean white guy
The Last Gasps?
So why do I think we are experiencing the last gasps of
reactionary bigotry? Doesn’t it seem
stronger and louder than ever? Certainly
my claim seems odd in the year when an explicitly racist, xenophobic blowhard
is the Presidential nominee of a major US political party.
Reactionary bigotry will probably always be with us in some
form. There are Neo-Nazi Holocaust
deniers and people who think that American slavery was justified. I have long suspected that it is a general
truth that nothing is so absurd that someone won’t believe it (if you don’t
believe me, check out the Flat Earth Society).
But there are signs that reactionary bigotry may not be so prevalent for
First, there are demographic trends, especially in the
United States. Within the next few decades, so-called “minorities” will no longer be minorities, which is already true in "minority majority" states (New Mexico, California, Hawaii, and Texas). While the numbers don’t necessarily translate
directly to political, social, or artistic capital, there are signs that these
demographic shifts will radically reshape the US.
Second, while it is unclear that having diverse leaders
always translates into direct economic or political change, there are deeper psychological
effects of having leaders such as the current African American President of the
United States (and perhaps soon a woman President). The same goes for media representation. If seeing all those white guys in positions
of authority is part of what gives us white guys the idea that we are
authorities, perhaps the same can be said for other kinds of people. The more this happens, the more bigotry will flare up, but this also means that the mechanisms by which authority is represented and created will change.
Third, while the rise of explicitly stated racism, sexism,
homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, etc. is horrific, there’s also something
healthy about dragging our demons out from the shadows, especially since this has elicited vociferous reactions. Trump
says terrible things, but a lot of people are protesting and speaking out
against him, even many Republicans (including conservative columnist, George Will, who recently left the party). Consider
the difference in the kinds of responses of polite straight society to the massacres
in gay bars in New Orleans in 1973 and Orlando in 2016.
It’s not that people are thinking hateful things for the first
time. Here's my hypothesis: under the threat of the
disintegration of previously presumed authority, people with these views feel
emboldened to do what they see as striking back against the coming of a world they can no
longer presume to understand and control. I imagine part of them knows that the days in which bigoted views are respectable are numbered, if not gone already; today's reactionary bigotry is a last stand, a boldness born of despair.
The fact that some of this is mixed with completely justified economic resentment is a point where we can learn from people defending reactionary bigotry. Some such people are incurable bigots and will be with us for a long time (I can’t imagine that Rabid Puppy founder Vox Day will renounce his views anytime soon). Some will, of course, not be with us much longer, if one considers the somewhat older average age of Trump or Brexit supporters.
The fact that some of this is mixed with completely justified economic resentment is a point where we can learn from people defending reactionary bigotry. Some such people are incurable bigots and will be with us for a long time (I can’t imagine that Rabid Puppy founder Vox Day will renounce his views anytime soon). Some will, of course, not be with us much longer, if one considers the somewhat older average age of Trump or Brexit supporters.
Evidence and/or Hope for the Future
But I do believe – or perhaps this is more of a hope – that
many current supporters of reactionary bigotry will eventually come to see that
a more diverse, equitable world is not a threat, but a benefit for all of us. Concentrating authority in one kind of person
is bad for everyone else, but it’s also bad for those with the authority. It closes us off from our fellow human beings
both as moral equals and as sources of inspiration and knowledge; it also gives
us an inflated sense of our own importance as the standard by which all things ought to be measured, which is a delusional and unhealthy narcissism (e.g., Donald Trump).
I don’t mean that we should expect a world of puppy dogs and
rainbows anytime soon. The current storm of reactionary bigotry may last
another decade or more. This is
something that should terrify us and we should fight against it, but there are
reasons to hope it will not last forever.
If anything, the current ferocity of this storm is a sign that it will exhaust itself
eventually. And we’ll all be better for
it. Even white guys.
Additional thought: The current resurgence of reactionary bigotry is like that horror movie trope where everyone thinks the bad guy is dead and then he jumps up and tries to kill everybody in the last minute of the movie.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting article on Trump rallies as "safe spaces":
ReplyDeleteEthan: Astute observations. Even your time frame sounds plausible: 10+ years before a majority of the socially privileged get sufficient awareness of their representative biases. For starters, people need to see the documentary "13th" to see a basic connect-the-dots generational pattern of bigotry. After that, I'd recommend the outstanding and all-factual "White Rage" by Prof. Carol Anderson. Further clarification on your photo:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment and the recommendations. I'll check out 13th and White Rage.