Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Short Story Coming Soon to Big Echo!

Source: http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=6,11668,0,0,1,0#.XEfAYC3Mwcg

I'm pleased to announce that my short story "Famous as the Moon" will be appearing in the next issue of Big Echo. If a story about a Buddhist university in another solar system 1000 years in the future with cyborg debaters and an AI insurrection based on Yogācāra metaphysics (plus jokes and a bit on personal identity) sounds like something you'd enjoy, check it out! The next issue of Big Echo should be available in the next few weeks.  It's also a neat online journal that publishes a lot of cool, experimental stuff.

Longtime readers of this blog may remember that one of my ideas for a midlife crisis was to write fiction.  Or, technically, to start again after hardly writing any fiction since my early 20's.  A recent philosophical short story contest inspired me to pick up an idea I had several years ago.  I didn't win the contest, but it did prompt me to finish a draft (finishing anything seems to be my biggest problem with fiction).  Since I now had a full draft, I decided to revise it.  Big Echo seemed like it might be a good home for a weird story involving ancient Buddhist philosophy, cyborgs, and AIs (and a few surprises).  And the editor liked it!  I'm really thrilled about this, not to mention inspired to finally finish all those other stories I've started.

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